Here’s a rose that someone left at the studio opening party (and is strangely the only record of the night photographically speaking).
Someone asked me to take a photograph of it in the bottle. So here we are a still life in the photo studio of a rose in a bottle (of water)
[New Post] A rose from the offical opening studio party –…
@tpphotography Is your QR code supposed to do something? My phone says do I want to call 8 ??
@timallenphoto doh! thats not good let me check 🙂
@timallenphoto hmm works for me… QR code reader on the iphone? maybe it’s too small as avatar?
@tpphotography iPad 2 for Test! Share your experience…
@tpphotography I’m on a Nokia and it just says about calling 8 – all other codes I’ve tried with it have worked including Andy R’s.
@timallenphoto maybe i have a special one? 🙂
@timallenphoto just gone to here… – works a treat for me
Beautiful! Lovely shot
@tpphotography Hmm, I still get “Create call to: 8”