Dorset Photography Tuition and Learn how to use your camera
Dorset Photography Tuition and Learn how to use your camera. So you got a new camera for Christmas? or you’ve had one a while but don’t know how to use it or would like to use it more? This is where I come in. As a professional photographer of over 8 years then I am able to talk you through the important settings of your camera and answer any questions about how to get the best use out of the camera. We will also be able to put into practice what you learn by taking some pictures either in the studio or in and around the studio to help drive home the things you learn from the sessions.
What are the sessions?
What will I learn? You’ll be more confident in your use of the camera after the sessions.
How long does the photography tuition last?
The sessions will last for 3 hours approximately and you will be given time to ask questions as we go along.
What dates and times are you running these courses?
- Thursday 24th Jan – 10am-1pm
- Sunday 27th Jan – 10am-1pm
- Tues 29th Jan – 10am-1pm
- Sunday 3rd Feb – 10am-1pm
Who is the photography tuition suitable for?
These sessions are aimed at beginners and new camera owners. So I will talk through the basic settings on your cameras. This will include digital SLRS and advanced cameras such as the Sony NEX, Panasonic Lumix, Olympus Pen etc.
Should I bring my Camera?
Yes please bring your camera and a fully charged battery and memory card so you can follow along and take pictures to drive home the things you’ve learned in the course.
What about after the course?
After the course I will ask for your feedback and give you discounts off upcoming courses and workshops.
How do I book?
You can pay via paypal using the buttons below (you don’t have to sign up to paypal to pay below) or you can call the studio on 01258 488544 and pay over the phone.
If you have any further questions you can email me on
Dorset Photography Tuition : Learn How to use your camera
Hi, I am very interested in the courses as I am getting a camera for my Birthday at end of Feb. will there be more courses like this one after that date?
am getting a camera for my birthday, what is the sort I should be looking for? I like to take landscape pics, everyday shots, kids and animals in action and Motorbikes racing shots. I was thinking nikon with lenses you can change maybe? really dont know.
Ideally a SLR will allow you to take the control over the camera settings as you get more comfortable. Either a Nikon or Canon entry level dSLR such as a D3100 or 650D would be a great choice.
Sure we plan some more in march and april too 🙂
don’t get your camera from Jessops!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the reply I will keep them in mind. I look forward to finding out more later on.
hi greg what,s the best lens to use when your out doing general photography I get confused.
I’m just about to write some articles on this.. standby 🙂