Dorset Commercial Photographer – Google Maps Business View
As you may know I offer commercial photography from my studio and on location. I’ve recently been involved in many exciting projects from headshots to product shots. Today’s post is about the change to Google Business Photso now becoming Google Maps Business View. Simple right? Well yes and yes. If you are an existing customer / client then there is nothing you need to do. In fact the only difference is really the name and simplification of the interface. I know call myself a Business Photos Trusted Photographer rather than a Google Trusted Photographer. I get to use a different badge.
Here’s a recent google business views shoot up at Fetcham Park.,-0.352164,3a,90y,318.27h,92.17t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1sirssdZ6oLCwAAAAGOsNKnw!2e0!3e2
You can find out more about this service by going to our Google Business View page.