Birth Photography in Dorset
As part of my services I offer a documenting of Birth of you child. I do this with the full co-operation of the medical staff at the hospital, or midwife depending on the situation. This can be at home or other location and include as many pre-birth shoots as you would like if you would like a maternity shoot as part of the package then that is great. However I have decided to off this service after doing it for my own children and seeing how great it is to see the whole process of them coming into this world (mine are 6 and 9 now!)
I work in a manner that means you probably won’t even realise I am there taking photographs. Having taken photographs of my own childrens birth then I appreciate what a great set of memories this can produce. I can also offer a video service for this too where appropriate and as requested.
Real life birth photography examples
birth photography – mum waiting patiently for baby to arrive
birth photography – baby born and on mums tummy for skin on skin time
Again with full consent from the relevant medical practitioners.
A record of your child coming into this world
So if you are interested in having a visual record of your childs birth, be it a first child or whatever then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Of course this can go hand in hand with a newborn photoshoot or it can be a great choice all of it’s own. I’m happy to be involved in the process.